How To Save Money On Dental Care If You Are Self Employed

Did you need to visit the dentist recently, but didn’t because the costs were too high? This is not uncommon, especially if you are self employed or if your employer doesn’t offer dental coverage as a benefit.

Individual dental insurance plans have become extremely expensive and they don’t offer near enough coverage, especially when you initially buy the policy. For example, pre-existing conditions are not covered by new dental insurance policies until you’ve gone through a one year waiting period from the day that you buy the policy. During this time you must maintain your premium payments on time and in full.

Unfortunately, the policy still will only cover a small portion of any costs claimed for your pre-existing condition after the year is over. You may get a small amount of assistance, such as 10{fb65e7e27c282a02fa0a36039dc4c9383b3a38d5a4237f8adb1f7680a9920255} – 25{fb65e7e27c282a02fa0a36039dc4c9383b3a38d5a4237f8adb1f7680a9920255}, but you’ll still end up paying the majority of the costs yourself until after you’ve owned the policy for a few years.

If you are self employed or simply need an affordable individual or family dental plan, your best bet is to join what is called a discount dental plan. These discount plans don’t work like insurance, therefore you can be seen right away for any existing problems that you may have and pay a substantially reduced rate.

All you need to do is locate a participating provider close to where you live, pay the low annual fee to join the plan, make an appointment with your new dentist (Or your old one. They may already be a participating provider.), get your dental care taken care of and pay them in full at the time of your visit. You will save anywhere from ten to sixty percent on your dental care by participating in the plan!

So if you’re self employed or simply need a good dental plan for yourself or your family, take a good look at discount dental plans as an affordable option.