Women’s Fantasies Are Sexually Explicit Scenarios

A responsive woman’s use of fantasy means her experiences do not fit with any of the descriptions of sexual activity that we see portrayed in society. Sexual activity is usually sociable but it is also portrayed in graphic terms. When something happens in your head, it can be purely conceptual. This is probably why women prefer reading erotica rather than looking at images.

A woman experiences orgasm by delving into her subconscious. She has to concentrate on the script she remembers from prior sessions. Alternatively, her mind may be focused on the text of a book she is reading. She cannot be distracted even by a dripping tap. She needs 100{fb65e7e27c282a02fa0a36039dc4c9383b3a38d5a4237f8adb1f7680a9920255} concentration to dredge up enough arousal that enables her to achieve orgasm. Afterwards it is difficult for her to remember exactly what she felt exactly in the build up to orgasm. It’s like trying to remember a dream that is half-forgotten.

While fantasising a woman’s mind is focused on some of her most intimate memories or ideas that she has heard about. They are concepts that reach into the more instinctive rather than thinking parts of the brain. They may include the idea of enduring pain, of inflicting pain, of being vulnerable, of fearing attack and the mystery of what another person may do to us. Many of these thoughts are like vague dreams and not consciously acknowledged. They are the kind of thoughts we never consciously admit to ourselves.

When we read we imagine the setting, the people and their emotions as narrated by the author. But these images are not like focused photographic images. They are more like a collection of impressions or feelings when we dream. They are like echoes of the real world. The scene is presented in terms of the feelings and motivations of the persons involved. This builds anticipation in a way that books do (but movies don’t). Erotic fantasies that a responsive woman uses for arousal are psychological, full of anticipation and the idea of others doing things to her. The action focuses on bondage, BDSM and penetration. Ultimately the action of the fantasy escalates her state of arousal so that the climax of the fantasy coincides with her orgasm.

Women who masturbate to orgasm rarely talk about the pleasure they enjoy. Firstly, responsive women are highly embarrassed to admit the nature of their erotic fantasies. This quite natural. Our fantasies represent aspects of sex that we find most arousing and taboo. Even men do not readily admit the explicit and crude sexual images that they need to focus on for orgasm. These are our most private and personal thoughts. Responsive women also appreciate that most other women react with self-righteous disgust whenever masturbation, clitoral stimulation or sexual fantasies are mentioned.

Women are also reluctant to reveal their fantasies because they know that the scenarios they use for orgasm would be unpleasant in reality. Having a fantasy about a particular activity does not mean that a person wants to engage in that activity for real or that they would enjoy such activity in reality. Nor does a fantasy represent an unconscious desire. This is, in part, why women are reluctant to tell anyone, even a lover, what they fantasise about.

Eroticism is a male portrayal of sex. Penetrative sex is arousing from the point of view of the penetrator. Penetrative sex is not arousing for the person who is penetrated by an erect penis (the receiver). So a woman needs to be able to identify psychologically with the male perspective in order to achieve orgasm. This is only possible when a woman immerses herself in a surreal and quasi-subconscious world in her head. In this world she can approach sexual situations from a male perspective and experience the kind of arousal that causes tumescence of the clitoral organ. Once the clitoral organ is tumescent a woman can massage the internal organ to achieve orgasm.

The concept of penetration by a penis is key to achieving arousal. A woman cannot be the penetrator in real life but she can use fantasy to put herself in the male position psychologically. A woman obtains sexual satisfaction from the idea of dominating or doing something to another person. Fantasy allows a woman to be the man who is penetrating a lover while at the same time being the woman who is being penetrated. Women describe this technique as putting themselves in the director role. This emulation of the male is implicit rather than being a real-life impersonation of a man.

Fantasy is a mechanism for achieving orgasm rather than being an activity a woman engages in for itself. Responsive women use erotic fantasies as a conscious psychological technique for the sole purpose of enjoying orgasm. A woman’s sense of release comes purely from the use of fantasy. Women have a limited menu of fantasies to choose from. This seems to be a result of a natural apathy towards making effort to find erotic material. A woman may have only a handful of fantasies that she uses on a regular basis, some of which originate from when she first started masturbating.

Given the nature of their fantasies, women may avoid masturbating feeling that it is immoral. This is not so. When we fantasise, we release the subconscious thoughts that are there whether we consciously admit to them or not. Women may use a constructed rape scenario (these lack the real-world sense of violation) that allow a woman to assume a passive role and to focus on the psychology of the male taking his pleasure.

Reality and fantasy are further apart for women than for men… (Rachel Swift 1999)