Is It Possible To Defeat Depression And Anxiety In Your Life? Most Certainly Yes – Here’s How

Everyone has stress in their lives – it does not matter how wealthy you are, where you live, what your convictions are or what you do for a living. Some choose to ignore stress without taking action, while some others plunge into the dungeons of depression and anxiety as a result stress in their lives and yet some others who choose to recognize that stress exists and are willing to take things head on, in an effort to mitigate the risk to themselves – physiologically and psychologically. As yourself a candid question – Which category do you fit in?

Stress is the root cause. Mental conditions such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks and phobias are the by-products of that stress. When left untreated, such mental disorders can cause physiological damage to your body in addition to the strain on your psychological constitution. Coupled together, stress is the root cause behind millions of lives being extinguished all over the world before having the opportunity to shine. Stress is a silent killer and works almost like a slow poison, gradually consuming the core essence of your life.

A Physiological Interpretation of Stress

The human body is an amazing machine (not the right word, but you get the point). The ability to dynamically adjust the functions of our internal and external organs based on the environment is something that continues to awe even the most brilliant scientist in today’s techno-savvy world. While there are millions of miles to cover before we can understand our anatomy fully, over time we have gained a greater insight on how the environment we live in, our physiology and psychology works almost in tandem with each other and complement each other every moment of our mortal life.

A normally active person may feel that it is the end of the world for her if she is suffering from a temporary illness that keeps her confined to bed. It could just be flu or a bad cold, but the fact that just her physiology is not at its peak, also contributes to the feelings of depression and anxiety.

As another example, a person who had to relocate to a city where more days are overcast than sunny, just the gloomy weather in the region could be blamed for the stress in his life. Prolonged persistence of such weather patterns could cause depression and anxiety even though he is highly successful in his work or business.

When we are subjected to some abnormal conditions – physiologically or environmentally our brain senses that abnormality. As a result, it triggers the adrenal glands to generate more adrenaline in the bloodstream. The extra adrenaline increases the heart rate, dilates you blood vessels and sends your body into overdrive in an effort to get in more oxygen into your bloodstream. The purpose behind this hyperactivity is for you to get everything you need from within to help you remove the source of that abnormality. A typical example is when you are watching a suspenseful scene in a thriller movie. You feel that sudden adrenaline rush, which subsides automatically when the scene is over.

When left unattended, the hyperactivity in your body could lead to chronic stress, which in turn takes a toll on your physiologically. If you are unwell physically, it also affects your mental health.

Possible remedies

I am personally averse to medication of any kind, because I truly believe that we have the power within to heal ourselves from most ailments. However in the fast paced life that we live today it is difficult to stay away from medications for relief from panic attacks, phobias, depression and anxiety. Medications will provide temporary relief, but they are not long term solutions. You also run the risk of becoming addicted to medications in taken for extended periods of time. After a while the medication could start to lose its potency, since your body gets used to it. Under any circumstances, medications must be administered or prescribed by a qualified healthcare professional. One must refrain from over the counter medications for stress relief even if they are available where you live.

Non-invasive techniques are more preferred, in my opinion to seek a remedy for stress related disorders and they have little or no side-effects when done properly. Such techniques, such as aromatherapy, Yoga, Tai Chi, Acupuncture and acupressure, Meditation, Massage Therapy, Positive Distraction, Positive Rebounding, Music Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy have proven themselves to work wonders. Using these techniques it is possible to defeat depression and anxiety. Although the results are not evident overnight, these non-invasive techniques offer long term benefits by building your mental toughness to detect stress in its early stages and be able to ward off the ill effects well before they can grow any roots.

The secret is to be able to detect stress in its early stages, take action on how to mitigate the risk and develop that mental toughness to ward off the ill effects. When we succumb to stress we are living outside-in. The trick is to learn how to live inside-out so that you can manage stress and defeat depression and anxiety in your life.