Inspirational and Motivational School Speakers for Personal Development

Throughout history inspirational speeches, delivered by respected leaders, have helped galvanise lesser mortals to achieve almost impossible feats. From Churchill to Martin Luther King ordinary people have been guided towards ultimate achievement by inspiring words delivered with passion. The great bard himself William Shakespeare recognised the power of evocative talk when he penned King Henry’s speech to his army before the Battle of Agincourt – a bonding speech to build up the common soldier to the level of the throne.
‘We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother’
From Lord Admiral Nelson to Sir Steve Redgrave, impossible feats of courage and effort have been summoned by motivational talk.
Inspirational Talks at Schools
School children can especially benefit from hearing an inspirational speech when delivered by a visiting speaker. Inspirational Speakers 4 Schools is a specialist agency in England that represents speakers who deliver excellent talks on many subjects including personal development and some of the following:
- Building Confidence and Self Esteem
- Taking one Day at a Time
- How to Overcome the Fear of Failure
- The Importance of Preparation
- Positive Thinking
- Overcoming Adversity
The speakers have often reached the top of their professions or have overcome incredible adversity.
Visiting School Speakers for Personal Development Lessons
While many speakers specialise in personal development some deliver talks about drugs, alcohol and the dangers that will face pupils as they develop. Hearing a talk about the danger of drugs and alcohol from someone recovering from addiction can have a sobering effect on any youngster who may be led down the wrong path. Sometimes it can make the difference between saying ‘yes’, and being able to utter the most difficult word ‘no’. Following is a list of talks that are designed for PHSE Lessons
- Danger of Drugs
- Alcohol Abuse
- Drink Driving
- How to say ‘NO’