How to Approach Bi-Sexual Women to Get Into Threesomes

How to Approach Bi-Sexual Women to Get Into Threesomes

Finding bisexual women is actually the easy part! Seriously.

It’s the rest of the stuff that’s almost impossible for most men: interacting with, and attracting, these women.

Of course, you won’t have that problem because you are reading this article, filled with all the tried-and-tested power strategies that most guys will never know about.

When you find a woman who you think is bisexual or bi-curious, your initial approach will be driven by the same mindset and attitude as previously discussed.

You’ll be relaxed, confident, very comfortable and straight-forward about your approach.

You will assume that the woman is bisexual, or at least bi-curious. Therefore, you won’t tip-toe around the subject. You’ll project the attitude that bisexuality in women is a natural, normal, and appealing phenomenon.

And as such, all your questions, comments, and the entire interaction with her will display that same attitude.

You will also use your new-found knowledge about these women (that you learned earlier in this manual) to show them that you understand bisexual women, and their world, on a very deep level. (This is what will get you “in” like nothing else.)

When you do that, you will become very attractive in the woman’s eyes (as we’ve already discussed earlier.)

Since you have just met these women for the very first time, at this point you need to create an emotional connection with them and then move to creating states of arousal. (Again, if you’re not familiar with the fundamentals of seducing a woman, get my seduction manuals and learn that stuff first.)

You can then present them with the opportunity to explore and learn more about themselves (since you’ve already established that they can learn new things from you.)

And, through all of the above, you can also imply that you have other choices besides them. However, you’re offering them the opportunity because you feel they are smart and unique enough to go for it.