Sexual Intercourse is not just the insertion of a man’s erect penis into a women’s vagina. It is more than this mere definition. If not for pleasure, there are many benefits of having sexual intercourse which I will like to elucidate in this special article. Sexual intercourse is really an act that everybody ought to enjoy. Below are the numerous benefits of having sexual intercourse with your sex partner.

Sexual intercourse makes the skin beautiful: It has been observed that when a woman engages in sexual intercourse, it makes the skin of the woman beautiful. What is the scientific basis for this? When a woman makes love, her body produces more estrogen. Estrogen is a female sex hormone. Estrogen helps to keep the body smooth. In addition to this, the sweat produced makes the skin to shine.

Having sex relives pain: Do you know that sex is a natural analgesic. Sex can be used to relieve some kind of aches and pain like headaches. Perhaps, it will be wise to offer your sexual partner with some dose of sexual relationship when he or she complains of headache.

Sex is a Tranquilizer: Sex is a good tranquilizer. A tranquilizer is a drug that promotes tranquility by calming, soothing, quieting, or pacifying with minimal sedating or depressant effects. When you are upset, depressed, and lonely or under stress, sex can be your “drug of choice’.

Sex Improves Blood Circulation: When one gets sexually aroused, the heart rate increases. This increase in heart rate improves the circulation of blood to different parts of the body.

Sex is a Nice Exercise: Sex is a nice and safe exercise, which an individual can do to stay healthy. It also helps to burn excess calories of fats that accumulate in our body, especially after having a delicious meal.

Enjoy it.