7 Self Help Tips To Improve Your Mental health

“How are you feeling?”

Many people will answer, “I’m fine.” But inside they are really feeling confused, disappointed or frustrated.

Many of these feelings are due to holding on to outdated concepts from previous experiences that cause us to act in ways that do not validate our lives. Practicing the daily keyword activities listed below can help you enjoy the benefits of balanced mental health.


Inspiration: Feed your creativity. Immerse yourself in gardening, painting, craftwork or drawing and enjoy the creativity you possess.

Result: Dedicating time to activities solely for their enjoyment reinforces your sense of worth and relieves stress.


Perception: Consciously listening to your thoughts. Visually challenge thoughts that are counterproductive by writing them on paper. Select your words carefully to clearly convey information. Speak kindly, but honestly with everyone.

Result: Honest communication begins with yourself. By bringing negative thoughts out of your mind and on to paper, you will able to release them.


Exhilaration: Experience the vitality of life. Give your body freedom of movement in dance, games like Twister or sports. Learn a new physical skill such as CPR or self defense. Organize a paint party with your friends.

Result: Group activities are one of the best ways to revitalize yourself and others. Eliminating movement restrictions on your body also helps resolve emotional and mental barriers.


Mediation: Take a neutral position. Volunteer and befriend a person who needs to be heard. Practice compassion and acceptance of the feelings of others. Detach from your perspective and simply focus on the facts of the situation without judgement.

Result: By releasing the need to be “right” and accepting things as they are, you send the signal of acceptance to your psyche, which helps you achieve better mental balance.


Expansion: Enhancing the big picture. Take a project to the next level. Pass on your skills by teaching them to a young person. Help a friend move to a new home or study a new subject to improve your skills.

Result: Actively engaging in bringing about change shows us the positive side of transformation, strengthening our mental and emotional balance for when the unexpected occurs.


Enrichment: Counting your blessings. Write a list of everything you are grateful to have in your life. Extend assistance to an elderly person you know. Contribute books, music or other media to your local library or school.

Result: Sharing with others reinforces your own sense of security and trust in the unlimited abundance of life. This helps to alleviate anxiety and frustration.


Determination: Perseverance and completion. Make the call and resolve an issue that is in limbo. Keep the promise you made to a friend months ago. Clean out the garage or the attic. Sit down with the person with whom you have a misunderstanding and clear the air.

Result: Living your personal truth is a cornerstone of good mental health and it takes courage. When you make a commitment and see it through to its conclusion, you demonstrate loyalty to your character.