Sports Education in Jamaica – The New Way to Go

The Jamaican education system has paved the way enabling the island’s Olympic gold glory. Through its physical education syllabus and its dedicated physical education teachers we now reap the benefits. The coaches are also to be commended for their dedication and effort in supporting athletes, helping them to stay focus. To be an Olympic medalist is what every parent dream for his/her son or daughter, When Husain Bolt, Asafa Powel, Melaine Walker, Veronica Campbell, Shelly Ann Frazer, all won Olympic gold medals In Beijing the world was surprised, Jamaicans on the other hand were happy not surprised. There is a history of producing medal winners in track events going as far back as the London Games of 1948.

Jamaica will always be seen as a gold mine for athletics. The world may wonder at our success and what is the secret, some even imply that our athletes do drugs. I recommend Jamaica as the ideal place to educate your child and if s/he has athletic talent it is one of the best places to develop that talent. The hilly terrain is good practicing ground to develop muscles , strengthening heart and lung. capacity Many of our talents in track and field are those who have ran miles over hilly terrains. The yellow yam was given as one reason why Jamaicans can run. The sickle cell trait that many Jamaicans possess and team work were also given as reasons for success in tract and field.

For such a small third world country Jamaica has a tradition of performance in track and field as in Merlene Ottey, Donald arry, Author Wint, and many others who have gone before. Jamaica has what is considered raw talent, pushed by motivation and a culture of competitive spirit ,all go to make the Jamaican athlete shine. One very important factor for the country’s success is, Jamaica has one of the best organized track and field programme in the world. Although restrained by funding, the country still promotes track and field from as early as kindergarten. In Jamaica we train body and mind to achieve. Each year we look forward to which new athlete will better a Usain, or a Veronica. All year round if you follow the country’s sport calendar you will realize that there are always some sporting activities taking place all across the island geared at preparing our athletes.

There is the yearly sport day for all kindergarten and primary schools, high schools and college; at these events students compete among themselves in organized house meets. Next there is the parish inter school sports. From these the best are chosen for the all island sports meets such as The J.T.A. primary and all age schools meet and Boys and Girls Champs for high schools.The foundations for this fast running show was laid long ago in 1910, when Champs, an event designed to discover and develop the best school sprinters, was launched. There is the intercollegiate and university sports with special emphasis on track and field geared to keep Jamaican athletes trained in Jamaica to represent the country instead of performing for other countries like the USA and Canada. After these elimination and screening we arrived at our best, selected to be trained, and to compete on the international stage. This is the point that athletes with raw talent are monitored by the Jamaica Amateur Athletic Association. With the correct funding Jamaican will continue to collect glory medals internationally.