How to Know Women’s Hidden Sexual Desires – And Give Her the Sex of a Lifetime

For men, it can be pretty tricky to discover what women’s top-secret sexual desires are. In spite of that, one thing is certain – all women have their secrets. The problem is, they don’t readily share them so must men just can’t figure out how to satisfy their women. Read on to discover how you can tap into her hidden secret desires, and seduce her…

How To Know Women’s Hidden Sexual Desires – And Give Her The Sex Of A Lifetime

#1. Mastering Foreplay – If you want a woman to be completely turned on, then you must spend some time on foreplay. This will get her really aroused and ready for sex.

This is a vital stage in the lovemaking process, so you need to spend some extra time here and execute it just right. Set a leisurely place and change things up enough so that they stay fresh.

Women like a little bit of teasing during foreplay, as well.

#2. The Power of Romance – If you want to get appreciation from a woman, then the best way to do it is simply to be more romantic. Compliment the beauty of her hair, eyes and overall figure and she’ll start to feel turned on.

Women love when a man gazes longingly into her eyes, holds her tightly, and gives her a passionate kiss; she’ll really feel appreciated and desired.

#3. The Right Touch – It’s very important to touch a woman the right way when you are caressing her body. Use your hands as a way to communicate to her just how beautiful she is and your intense desire for her.

You can’t rush this a caress – it just doesn’t work. Do it slowly and with the utmost care.

#4. Her Sensual Hotspots – The sensitive areas of the vagina include the lips, the clitoris, the vulva and the G-spot, which is found inside the vagina. Each of these areas must get a little attention for the best stimulation.

Each of her sensual hotspots has a part to play in giving her a powerful climax, so work on each of them for awhile and alternate between them – that’s all you’ve got to do for a great sexual experience.