Enjoy the Pleasures of Wine Without Taking Alcohol With Alcohol Free Wines

People often ignore alcohol free wine or non-alcoholic wine when they talk about different types of wine they can drink. These wines provide a good social alternative for expectant mothers, designated drivers and those on medications and are inhibited to drink. They are more appealing to those people who want to live a healthy and alcohol-free lifestyle. Non-alcoholic wines enable the people to enjoy the social experience and taste of alcohol without becoming an addict. These alcohols are available in varying flavors and styles including:
- White Zinfandel
- Chardonnay
- Cabernet Sauvignon
- Brut Sparkling
Non-alcoholic wines are usually not very expensive. The average price ranges from $5.99 to 8.99/bottle. They are absolutely not very difficult to find. You can find them in local stores and supermarkets. In case you are unable to find them, internet is the easiest access to these wines. You can find both domestic and foreign brands of these wines.
The Taste
Like other fine wines, alcohol free wines are also manufactured from the same premium grapes and have the same mechanism of fermentation in barrels. Alcohol is sifted out just before filling the wines into the bottles. Cold filtration or other mechanisms can be used for this purpose. Non-alcoholic wines are just similar to ordinary wines except the alcohol aftertaste.
Legally Alcohol-Free
Through legal definition, any wine can be considered as alcohol free that has less than half of one percent of alcohol. Although it is not possible to remove the alcohol completely from these wines, these wines tend to meet the legal standard. The quantity of alcohol in these wines is so small that it doesn’t make you feel drunk. In fact, it is far less than the quantity you find in one glass of orange juice.
Ways to Enjoy Non-Alcohol Wine
You can enjoy non-alcoholic wine anywhere where you can have a glass of any other wine. More enjoyable places and events are restaurants and dinners, corporate events and parties. Theses wines are a great choice where one needs to stay alert and focused such as while driving or while expecting a baby. You can enjoy a glass of wine even if you have a medication that doesn’t allow you to have a drink. Non-alcoholic wines are safe for diabetes, but in case of diabetes, one must consult his nutritionist or doctor before adding any new drink or food to his diet.
Alcohol-Free Wines Can Help Recovering from Alcoholism
Recovering from alcoholism is a personal and private process and it should remain an individual’s decision whether or not to take alcohol free wine for recovery from alcoholism. Considering the following pros and cons can help in this issue:
- Non-alcoholic wines provide a way to enjoy the rituals and taste of wine without taking alcohol.
- These wines provide an opportunity to the people who are in recovery to mingle into business or social gatherings where they don’t want like others to know that they are not taking the drink.
- Even small traces of alcohol in drinks can make recovering alcoholics feel uncomfortable.