Data Science for a Better Future of Medical and Healthcare Industry

Today, technology is everything, every industry is now depending on technological advancements to increase their revenue. However, the most basic reason why industries rely on technology is to keep market competition high and offer the best customer services. One such revolutionary stream which has taken almost every other industry by storm is data science for which one can find many quality certifications.
It is all about gathering data, pruning data and then understanding the data to find meaningful insights at the end of the data pipeline. All these insights are then used to create value to the company by increasing customer satisfaction, developing new products and making existing products and services more efficiently. One such field which is now extensively using big data is medicine and healthcare.
By 2020, healthcare data will be exceeding 2,314 exabytes. What use is of all the enormous data pile if not applied to understand the healthcare scenario better. In the past, all the medical records were stored as hard copies, but with big data emergence the records are collected, stored and interpreted via data science tools. Having structured medical data helps in better patient care and healthcare decision making.
There are three types of data that is collected by healthcare units across the globe. They are:
- Electronic patient records.
- Clinical records made by doctors, nurses in the form of prescriptions, medical reports, laboratory notes, and medical insurance companies.
- And machine-generated data from social media, website traffic, news data, journals and from machines showing vital signs.
It helps in tracking the vitals of all the patients who are plugged into different devices which keeps the track of all the vital signs like blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate etc. Using big data helps doctors in knowing any kind of vital changes in the patient’s body quickly without a need to monitor them personally all the time.
Medical and health care industry handles an enormous amount of data on every day basis, which needs systematic collection, sorting, and systematic storing. It helps in handling the data so that doctors and medical practitioners can have easy access when in need.
Almost every other hospital is part of corporate firms and groups, which is why there is a continuous need to earn revenue and make the hospitals a profitable ecosystem. It helps in creating business plans and new products which boost the business success rates.
Every industry is susceptible to forgery and human error, same with the medical industry. So, there can be faults like, mismanagement of data or like writing faulty prescriptions and false medical insurance claims. It can help solve these problems by cross-analyzing the data and alerting when precarious medical practices take place.
Considering all the above applications in the medical field and many other industries who use data science extensively, one can say today there is a huge need to train data science professionals and that is why one should think of earning a data science certification.