Alcohol abuse is a very common type of abuse that we often overlook. This abuse can take control of our lives and jeopardize the things that are the most important to us, like our families, friends, and our life. Recognizing the problem is the first step towards taking action towards a healthier lifestyle.

Are you drinking too much?

It is recommended that a woman shouldn’t have more than seven drinks a week, and no more than three drinks on any one occasion. Men shouldn’t have more than 14 drinks a week and no more than 4 on any one occasion. These numbers are simple a general guideline to follow when determining if you are drinking too much. Things that can easily affect these numbers are tolerance, body mass, and diet.

If you can say that you are over those numbers, the next step is to realize that you might be drinking heavily and putting yourself at risks with alcohol. If you are a woman and are averaging more than 21 drinks per week, or a man averaging over 35 drinks per week, chances are you are drinking heavily and are putting yourself at great danger. Dangerous things that can happen as a result of heavy drinking are: Drinking and Driving, Fetal alcohol syndrome, change in mood’s, dependence on Alcohol, and liver problems among several other things.

If you feel that you are a heavy drinker, or that alcohol is becoming a problem in your life, you should be bold and contact a physician immediately to take the necessary steps to control the problem before it gets out of hand. Be smart with your life and the lives of others.

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