A Red Penis for Two – Telling Partners About Bisexuality

For many a man, choosing with whom to share his sexy red penis doesn’t depend on the gender of possible partners; men who identify as bisexual in some ways find themselves open to twice as many options in terms of selecting individuals to take to bed. Bisexuality is not by itself an issue related to overall penis health, but sharing information about his sexuality in general certainly is. Thus is raised the question, “When is the right time to identify one’s sexual preferences to potential or actual partners, and how should it be done?”

When to bring it up

Deciding when to bring up one’s bisexuality can be a difficult thing to decide. Much of the timing depends on a number of factors about the bisexual man in question, such as:

– Has he been sexually inactive in terms of partner sex? One of the main reasons that a person brings up his sexual inclinations is because sexual history can have an impact on whether a person has or has had STIs. A man who is embarking on sexual activity with a partner for the first time does not carry any possible sexual disease baggage. Sexually active men need to be upfront about their bisexuality in terms of how it impacts their likelihood of being a “safe sex” partner.

– How serious is he about the potential relationship? Is the person at hand likely to be a one night stand or a long term partner?

– How serious is the other person about the potential relationship? Often one person may view a potential relationship as much more or much less serious than the other.

The answers to these questions determines when a man brings up his bisexuality. Unless this is his first partner-based sex experience, he needs to be open about the fact that he has had sex and whether he is disease-free; however, he can decide for himself whether he needs to go into detail beyond that about the genders involved.

However, if he is serious about the relationship – or if he believes the other individual is serious – he needs to broach the subject early on.

How to tell

A man’s bisexuality is simply another part of him; he need not feel shy or embarrassed about revealing that he is attracted to both genders. At the same time, there are many people who may react negatively, and a man should be prepared for this.

Some women may feel that the admission of bisexuality in some way is a comment on their sexual attractiveness. A man should be sensitive to this possibility and make clear that his bisexuality is simply a part of him. He should also be open about what this means. If he is someone who is monogamous once in a relationship, he should emphasize this; but if he is someone who prefers to have looser, more open relationships, he also needs to be upfront about that fact – just as he would if he were straight and felt this way.

A bisexual man may joke that his preference means that his red penis is twice as busy as a straight man’s. While that’s not exactly true, the bisexual man needs to take just as much care with his tool’s health as a straight man; using a first rate penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is therefore essential. The best cream will include a first rate moisturizer like shea butter, so that if that red penis does get overworked, it can be properly soothed. Also essential in the proper cream: acetyl L carnitine, which helps restore penis sensitivity due to peripheral nerve damage. This can occur when a man has a penis which undergoes too much rough handling – and no man wants a desensitized penis.